In order to accomplish the missions of the company, and to produce safe, affordable and healthy foods, the Ming Chi Plant was established in 2004. Our goal is to provide natural, safe, innovative, environmentally friendly, yet affordable products for the benefits of the public.
“Downstream Harvesting and Purification Area”
We impose the rigorous wear of protective gown and gear by all the personnel that come in contact with food ingredients in a clean room environment that meets the strictest quality-control requirements.
“Packaging Area for Finished Products”
To ensure stable product quality, all processing and packaging operations are performed in clean room with constant temperature and moisture control. Using equipment and strictly enforcing standard operating procedures that meet the highest level of cGMP, products with the highest standards are manufactured.
“Fermentation Process Control and Production Area”
Using cGMP grade fermentation equipment, plus 24-hour control and monitoring of five online dynamic parameters (agitation, temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, aeration rate), production status is kept under control at any time.