Natto-Monascus capsule

Natto or "vegetable cheese", a traditional Japanese food made by fermenting soybeans with Bacillus natto, is a good source of peptides, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, saponin, lecithin, and isoflavones. Monascus, a traditional Chinese health diet, produced by fermenting white rice with Monascus spp., contains important sterols, isoflavones, and monounsaturated fatty acids. For centuries they have been used to promote cardiovascular health and to tonify metabolism.

Using the highest quality strains and advanced fermentation process, we obtained a Natto-Monascus product that contains additional bioactive components, like nattokinase, vitamin K2, ACEI, monacolin K, GABA, all known to optimize body metabolism and cardiovascular health. We have used only natural materials and low-temperature processing to preserve maximal activity. Our product is further fortified with plant-derived, nano-sized trace elements chelated with various natural organic acids. These trace elements are important biological catalysts required for a myriad of physiologically important reactions. Our Natto-Monascus is in essence three products in one. It is safe for whole family use and contains no chemical additive or preservative.

Suggested Usage: 4 capsules once a day at night.
Storage: Keep dry and cool; avoid exposure to sunlight; keep cap tight.