Primordia™ Repair Lotion

Our Primordia™ Repair formulation contains Primordia™ Elements, a concoction of trace elements derived from plants and other natural sources and mildly chelated with various natural organic acids into tiny, nano-sized, and soluble species that appear to be freely permeable through the skin and, as such, can be assimilated easily to produce deep tissue regeneration effects.

These Elements are complemented with concentrated nano-sized, free silver ions that have been obtained through a proprietary nano-technology developed by our Group. We chose to add silver because it is one of the most well-known health enhancers, known since ancient times for its remarkable tissue regeneration and revitalization properties. Silver is a natural immunity booster, helping to keep the normal bacterial flora under control. What is most remarkable about silver is that the smaller it gets in size, the more cell-regeneration properties it displays, including the production of adult stem cells that give origin to other more differentiated cells.

To make the formulation even more effective, we have included cold-pressed oil from the evening primrose herb from Canada, known to the early Native Americans as "king's cure-all" for its multiple health restoration effects, including the promotion of a healthy skin and deep skin repair. It is one of the richest sources of gamma-linoleic acid (GLA), an essential fatty acid known to be critical for the maintenance of blood vessel physiology.

We have also incorporated the methyl sulfonyl methane (MSM), the aloe extracts, coconut essence and vitamin C which are all now widely recognized as Nature miracles for their extraordinary skin health enhancement properties.

Our Primordia™ Elements further act as biological enhancers, amplifying the individual effects of each one of the ingredients added. All of these ingredients have been blended carefully to result in a stable and hypoallergenic formulation, suitable for use on all skin types. We believe that we may have reconstituted a magic formula for the skin known to the Ancients, but long since forgotten over the millennia.