Magic Laundry Bag

From our series of "Co-Evolution" products, Magic Laundry Bag contains nano-sized trace elements and minerals (our Primordia Elements®) and has great protective functions on human health and the environment. It is endowed with the function of depth cleaning and purifying the environment. This product does not contain fluorescent brighteners, bleaching agents, fragrance or phosphorus. All its components are natural and produce the best environmentally-friendly product. Furthermore, after doing laundry, the effluent water may clean our ditch water, sewer, rivers and creeks, and clean the ocean all the way, therefore creating a clean environment and conserving the life-giving potential of Mother Nature.

  • Contain:Nano-Magnesium, natural mineral extracts
  • Instruction:
    1. Put clothing or articles with laundry bag into the washing machine, doing laundry after sopping for 30 minutes.
    2. Add quantum sufficit of washing agent if necessary.
  • Net weight:115 g / bag
  • Caution: After using, draw it out and air-dry. Keep out of reach from children.