Mind Booster

Fast-pace lifestyle, excessive stress, memory lapses¡Xthese are just few of the challenges that we need to face on a daily basis. To optimize mental performance, our Mind Booster formulation combines ancient herbal medicine with the latest advances in plant and trace element chemistry. It makes use of a proprietary blend of soy lecithin extracts containing 50% phosphatidylserine as well as Rhodiola and Siberian ginseng extracts, all known to enhance mental performance. Key to our formulation is the additional use of the latest advances in chelation chemistry to allow the blending in of trace elements (our Primordia Elements®), supplemented with manganese, zinc, and selenium, as well as vitamin B complex in a form immediately usable by the body. In their current form, we believe that these trace elements provide not only important and safe nutrients for cells but they also give an incomparable mental boost and promote chi flow. This unique formulation, coupled with meditation and proper exercising, should have a clear and positive impact in sharpening thinking and mental performance.

  • Ingredients: Soy lecithin extracts (50% phosphatidylserine), Siberian ginseng extract, Rhodiola crenulata, natural mineral extracts, zinc gluconate, manganese gluconate, selenium yeast, vitamins B1, B2, B6, and B12, gelatin.
  • Content: 120 capsules, 330 mg each.
  • Suggested Usage: Take one capsule in the morning and one at midday, after meals.
  • Storage: Keep dry and cool; avoid sunlight; keep cap tight.