Nippon Green Tea¡XMatcha & Gyokuro

Our green tea combines two of the best green teas found in the famous Shizuoka County in Japan, known worldwide for its pristine tea culture. Both teas are grown in the shade for 20 days before harvest, producing leaves of high nutritional value with a unique flavor that surpasses that of other green teas. Gyokuro tea leaves are steamed by vapor and then dried slowly at 60¢XC, allowing the rich aroma and flavor of the fresh leaves to be captured. Matcha tea, stone-ground at 19¢XC to produce an ultra-fine powder, is traditionally referred to as the "Queen of all teas" in Japan. Our Nippon Green Tea is rich in catechins, chlorophyll, minerals, trace elements, vitamin B complex, vitamins C and E, and polyphenols, and contains over 20 amino acids. Prized since ancient times in Japan and China as a health tonic, drinking green tea has become synonymous with digestive well-being and body-mind rejuvenation. Our stringent quality control allows us to guarantee the highest quality of tea, which is suitable for daily consumption by the whole family.

  • Ingredients: Nippon green tea leaves and tea powder.
  • Content: 30 tea bags, 2 g each.
  • Suggested Usage: Soak one tea bag in 10 ounces of hot water; allow 2¡V4 minutes before drinking.
  • Storage: Keep dry and cool; avoid sunlight.