CoQ10 & Rhodiola¡XLife-Energy Booster

All life needs energy! We have derived the most advanced formulation for boosting life energy, combining the latest biotechnological advances with ancient Medicine. CoQ10, a miracle nutrient, is essential to the energy production in every body cell. By promoting life energy, CoQ10 ensures longevity and health. However, not all CoQ10 is created equal! Only our 100¢H naturally obtained CoQ10 in trans-form has been shown to be easily absorbed by the body.

Rhodiola crenulata has been used as a powerful life-energy booster since ancient times. Our material is carefully harvested directly from the high pristine Tibetan plateaus and minimally processed to assure complete assimilation. Our formulation also contains a comprehensive mixture of organically-chelated minerals, which we call Primordia Elements®, several important vitamins, and extracts of Hawthorn berries, known to all aboriginal cultures to promote good metabolism.

This product contains no artificial colours and no preservatives.

  • Ingredients: CoQ10, Rhodiola crenulata, Natural Mineral Extracts, Hawthorn berry extract, vitamin E, yeast-selenium, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, folic acid.
  • Content: 60 capsules, 350 mg each.
  • Suggested Usage: Take 1 capsule twice a day, preferably with food.
  • Storage: Keep dry and cool; avoid sunlight; keep cap tight.