Men's Formula

Our Men's Formula is the most comprehensive tonic for men. It combines the experience of ancient herbal medicine throughout the world with the latest medical sciences. We have used natural food extracts rich in beta-sitosterol, known as the bioactive ingredient in all the active herbs known around the world. Our beta-sitosterol, derived from soybeans extracted by gentle natural methods, is carefully standardized for dosage, setting up a new benchmark in male physical health management. In addition, our formulation is fortified with a comprehensive mixture of organically-chelated minerals, which we call Primordia Elements®, plus zinc, selenium, vitamins A, D3 and E in a base of cold-pressed virgin pumpkin seed oil, and containing a proprietary extract of lycopene enriched from ripe tomatoes. These trace elements, vitamins, and lycopene act as importance biological catalysts and nutrients required for men's physical health. Our unique formulation is carefully encapsulated in softgels under gentle conditions to preserve maximal biological activity. As a result, our Men's Formula is probably the most advanced male supplement and should help ensure optimal urination, with benefits apparent with continuous use. Our formulation is safe, using natural ingredients only, with no chemical additive or preservative.

  • Ingredients: Cold-pressed virgin pumpkin seed oil, soybeans and ripe tomato extract, vitamins A, D3, and E, selenium, zinc, Natural Mineral Extracts.
  • Content: 90 softgels, 500 mg each.
  • Suggested Usage: Take 1 softgel 3 times a day, best before meals.
  • Storage: Keep dry and cool; avoid sunlight; keep cap tight.