Castor Oil

Castor oil is a mixture of triglycerides and fatty acids from castor seeds. The use of castor oil for healing dates back to ancient Egypt, 4,000 years ago. Doctors specialized in natural medicine believe that castor oil is able to stimulate the cells and the lymphatic system through massage and hot compress, greatly enhancing overall circulation and well-being. In addition, castor oil is thought to possess important analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties due to its high content of ricinoleic acid. Following an ancient extraction process, our castor oil is cold-pressed and cold-processed, natural, odorless and without hexane.

  • Ingredients: Castor oil.
  • Purpose: Massage.
  • Content: 500 ml
  • Directions: Apply a small amount in one hand and massage on the skin, joints and muscles; excellent for application of hot compress (with a heating pad) to increase penetration. After usage, clean the oil from your body with our Co-Evolution Body Wash.
  • Storage: Avoid storage under direct sunlight, at high temperature, or within children's reach.